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Yesterday I had a gathering with my o campmate.
Originally I didn't want to accept the invitation, but they asked me face to face, which is difficult for me to refuse them.

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Japan, which is a mysterious country, is my study topic in this semster.
When I studied Japan in secondary school, my history teacher just teached the history from Tokugawa shogunate to Japan before 1945.

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  When I write my diaries, I find that I cannot use enough new vocabulary in my diary. So I want to change my method in order to improve my vocabulary power. I world like to write sentences instead of diaries since today. Thank you, Kary~~~

1.Many employers never give employees any credit for their expression even if they are hard-working.

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  I came back home from Taiwan yesterday.
This trip was interesting because it is my first time to go to Taiwan.

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The Founding of a Republic, a film producted to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, will firstly be showed on 1st October. Fortunately, I can be free to watch this movie  because Kary gets two free tickets which are presents of registering a bank's credict card.
Actually, I am so surprised that I can watch it freely since historical movie is something I really like to watch.

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ada11091989 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

這幾天甚麼事情也沒有做,一口氣將last friends看完

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之前一直都想找時間看last friends,可惜拖著拖著,到今天才看第一集,看完第一集,我已經知道我會把她看到結局。真的很棒,在第一集便不斷碰觸道德底線,家暴、同性戀,每一 樣都是社會的敏感話題,每個角色都有不為人知的痛苦和壓抑,看得心痛,但卻會想繼續追看。
一直欣賞日本人的大膽與創新,如果在香港,last friends這類的劇集根本就不可能被製作,現在tvb只懂循規導矩,根本不敢冒險,他們寧願每天創作一些師奶劇,被人批評沒創意,也不願尋求突破,只因害怕被社會批評教壞細路。

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ada11091989 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

之前一直在網上看人提到黃曉明唱的one world one dream,說他的英文很恐怖

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